Glebe Singers

Community choir based in Market Deeping, near Peterborough

The Glebe Singers Want You!

The Glebe Singers Community Choir, based in Market Deeping, are pleased to be back together in person, after Covid stopped them in their tracks in March 2020.

As a Community Choir, giving back to the community is important, and being able to perform provided an excellent opportunity to do just that.

The choir were very pleased to resume public performances in 2022 and have held regular concerts since.

The choir already have a bookings on the calendar for the coming year and is rehearsing some exciting new music.

If you like singing and would like to come along and experience a rehearsal, the choir would love to welcome new members into their midst.

Subscription fees have been re-intreoduced from 2023, but we still feel we represent very good value for money.

If you would like to find out more, come along and meet us on Wednesday evenings during term time at The Green School, Market Deeping (opposite St. Guthlac's Church) from 7.30pm until 9pm. Alternatively, contact David Scoffield on 07921 813442.


David Scoffield
07921 813442


Tracey Stuart

Contact US